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About us

Asghar & Sons Jurists was founded in 1990 by the vision and wisdom of Honourable Sir Asghar Malik (Senior Attorney) who is a well reputed name in Anti-Terrorism Laws in Pakistan. Later on in the consecutive years Mr. Asghar Malik Along with his Sons and Associates earned a great level of respect and esteem in different branches of Law ranging from Family, Succession, Civil, Contracts, Criminal, Anti-Terrorism, Anti-Money Laundering, Banking, Commercial, Services, Revenue, Companies, Immigration, Corporate and Transfer of Property Laws among Legal Fraternity and beyond.

Our Law Firm is one of the largest distinctive global law firm providing superior legal services to domestic and international clients in broad array of areas. We are Solicitors, Consultants and Advocates in the field of Family, Succession, Civil, Contracts, Criminal, Anti-Terrorism, Anti-Money Laundering, Banking, Commercial, Services, Revenue, Companies, Immigration, Corporate and Transfer of Property Laws since 1990.

Our excelling law firm is a conglomerate of over 30 offices situated in major cities of Pakistan including but not limited to the hill capital city of Islamabad to the hub of commercial marketplace of Karachi and further extending its frontiers to the historically and culturally diverse city of Lahore.

Thus this rigorous partnership has 100% coverage as far territorial bounds of Pakistan and since 2009 it has virtually moulded itself to an international approach based services law firm through fostering close inter-operable alliances with many leading Law firms across the globe. Now Asghar & Sons Jurists dedicated itself for serving its thriving clientele virtually on the broadest range of disciplines in 5 continents and more than 40 countries worldwide.

Asghar & Sons Jurists, we have been at leading level of managing dispensation of quality legal services on a global basis for more than three decades now. Our team of expert attorneys, solicitors and professional consultants are very well conversant that what it takes to meet client expectations for excellent work and responsive services across different countries and variety of legal systems. Our law firm is an enterprise of outstanding capabilities, unmatched enthusiasms, keen intellects, unyielding integrity and an extraordinary desire to understand and serve.